Friday, September 18, 2009

Eh, lets try this out.

So, here I sit on my couch staring at the TV typing this up. That means I obviously have nothing better to do at the moment. Well, sleep would be better, yet here I am.

So first thing on the agenda is to say I don't like a lot of technology the internet has brought mankind. That and internet speak, language and terminology. Such as the words blog, blogging, blogger and any and all other terms people have come up with as to what to call this. When really what I think they just couldn't stand to do was name it with the words we already have. Words that work just fine as is, that don't need to be hip, trendy, new and most of all look stupid. At this point you're thinking, "oh yeah, and what would you call it?" That's easy. This, what I'm doing right now, is an internet journal, or diary (Which ever you want to use. Though as you can see I'm using journal since that does seem a bit more manly than diary.), that happens to be public.

Now I could continue with my ranting and raving about how internet technology has made most people complete idiots. But for now, all I'll say is texting is nigga technology.

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