Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Comic Day 11/26/2009.

Was a heavier week than I was expecting, had to toss four books back into the folder. Wondering what the folder is? Well, it's where the comics on my pull list go. Don't know what a pull list is? It's the list of comics that get pulled off the shelves and put in the folder. The point is to make sure you get your copy/ies of the comic/s you want without worry of it/them selling out. For those of you that already knew that, you are obviously on the right page of the internet for the time being.

First off, the Lantern rings. Today completes (with the addition of green (finally!) and red rings) the DC promotion of Lantern rings they had running with their Blackest Night storyline. Nerdy, check. Gaudy, check. Still totally cool and awesome, damn right check. Sure, you have to be a comic geek to be jealous over these cheap, plastic rings, but you know you want them. Of course if you would actually wear them, any one of them, in public, you are too geeky and deserve the humility you have coming your way (especially if you'd wear more than one at any one time) Keep that in the privacy of your home and do NOT take pictures or video of such a thing. Or have you forgotten what happened to the Star Wars kid? That poor, fat, silly and unfortunate moron.

So.... on to the the actual comics.

Batwoman Detective Comics #859
Justice Society of America #33
Blackest Night: Justice League of America #39
Blackest Night #5 of 8
Blackest Night: Teen Titans #77

Uncanny X-Men #517
New Mutants #7
Dark Wolverine #80
Incredible Hercules #138
Amazing Spider-Man #613
Web of Spider-Man #2

Avengers The Initiative #30
Secret Warriors #10
Fantastic Four #573
Ms. Marvel #47
New Avengers #59
Invincible Iron Man #20
Hulk #17

What the world? Spidey is the everyman this week. Two books of his own and popping up in 3 others (Incredible. Hercules, Ms. Marvel & New Avengers). And people whine about Wolverine being in too many books. Granted he is, but do you blame Marvel? He sells. It's like feminists complaining about sexism in advertisement. What do they expect? It sells. But yeah, Spidey is all over the place like a frat boy driving home from the party. Really now, doesn't he have enough on his plate as is? Oh wait that's right, they love tossing him next to the hot women folk (doesn't explain the Herc cover though) and then ruining the rest of his life, give and take, literally it seems for Parker.

Oh well, once again, he sells, so smart move on Marvel's part. Now that I'm on the subject of what sells, that reminds me of something I started to notice at the beginning of this year, the price hike in comics. At first it wasn't a big deal, an extra dollar on this book, an extra dollar on that book. No big deal, they are extras and one shots and mini series. Now come the end of the year nearly half the books I buy are that extra dollar. And they are normal, continuous series too. For the past few years the base price of comics has been $2.99 a piece. With almost half now coming in at $3.99, that extra dollar is really starting to kick my ass. Not only that, but every so often something that is $4.99 pops up, to which I gladly say "no thanks, too rich for my blood."

The jump in price wouldn't bother me so much if they just slipped in it little by little (some of you just thought of a dirty reference, I don't blame you, but you know who you are and you're perverts, no biggie I thought of it too as I typed it out). An extra quarter here another 50 cents there and it would've been at least a little easier on the wallet. Yet, I still buy those 3.99 books. I also have started to cut back on what I buy and I'm a little pickier now, even if it doesn't show. I'm hoping this pricing bites the publishers (Mostly Marvel and then DC) in the ass sooner or later, preferably sooner. Granted with Disney owning Marvel that may not be likely. Here's to hoping though, we all know how well that works.

Finally, picked up a few more Christmas gifts for myself again. I'm finding it to be a nice way to guarantee I have a nice Christmas. Before you say, "well that's selfish," yes it is, but I am not forgetting my family and friends. They will get awesome gifts too. So yeah, grabbed the TMNT movie box set on BD, You're Under Arrest: Fast & Furious vol. 1 and Berserk vol. 28. If you don't know what TMNT stands for, get the fuck out of here, now. No really, what is wrong with you if you don't know what TMNT is? Granted you might be some lame 8 year old that talks smack when playing Halo. I don't care if you can toss a sticky from across the map and make me ask if it's a blue fuzzy spider (give yourself a pat on the back if you get that reference), it's no excuse for not knowing about TMNT.

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