Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Comic Day 8/4/2010 + update on the Camaro..

So two weeks ago a new TPB volume of Walking Dead came out. This week I finally picked it up, and what would have otherwise been a light week, turned into a moderate one. Also, picked up a "new" PSP game.

Captain America #608
Secret Warriors #18
S.H.I.E.L.D. #3
Amazing Spider-Man #639
Marvel Universe Vs. The Punisher #1 of 4

Deadpool #1000
Deadpool: Wade Wilson's War #3 of 4
Magnus: Robot Fighter #1
Ned the Chainsaw Guy #1
Batman Beyond #2 of 6

Walking Dead TPB Vol. 12

While I'm here on WD, I want to make mention of the up coming Walking Dead TV series that will be on AMC for those of you who don't already know (which couldn't be many people). From all the reports it's looking like it will be quite gory and brutal just like the comic. Though some things will not be exactly like the comic. It's all to keep people guessing, even those who have read the comics. Hopefully WD makes AMC some money and they don't just toss one season up and be done with it. Finally, good filmed zombie action that lasts longer than a 90 minute movie.

Some how I completely missed this when it came out. I knew of it from looking at the trailers of the official Japanese site, and those trailers looked great. I'm just happy someone decided to license it for a US release. From what I heard on the included music CD of this "Premium Edition" there seems to be a new English dub. Both of Luna's vocal songs in English sounded like a different singer. I don't know for sure yet, I have to go dig out my PSP at the house, but a new dub is welcomed. Not that there was anything horrendously wrong with the dub Working Designs did back in the day though.

Beyond that, I can't say anything else about the game. But it is nice to see an old friend with a well deserved face lift.

So, what the hell is up with the above apparatus? Well, I was getting annoyed that I couldn't get a straight on shot of the game that was in focus without the flash. Yet, with the flash I was getting a lot of washout from the over exposure. What to do? Mangle some wire coat hangers into a rough camera quadpod. It's good to practice your MacGyver skills every so often.

I picked up the last few new parts I needed to get the Camaro back together yesterday as well. Here they are.

So what all is all this? Let's break it down in a list.

-Parking lamp housings (pair)
-Parking lamp lenses (pair)
-Parking lamp lens gaskets (pair)
-Parking lamp housing to front valance gaskets (pair)
-Windshield washer bottle
-Inner bumper brackets (pair)
-Outer bumper brackets (pair)
-Front valance
-Front bumper
-Damaged '68 passenger RS fender (not pictured)
-A whole mess of various screw, nut & bolt kits.

So you might be wondering about the damaged fender, that's the wrong year. Well, my fenders need some patch panels, and I got lucky and Curtis at the Camaro Barn had this one. It was dented on the upper body line and he let me have it for only $20. It was a lucky break he had it at all, even more so that it was the passenger side. I dropped it off at the body shop earlier today around 11am. So now I'm just waiting on a call from the shop that my fenders are ready to be picked up. Don't have any clue how long it'll be, but it's OK, I have some stuff to do for the time being on the car. Though I will need the fenders for final reassembly, I don't plan to tighten anything up until I get the fenders on and everything lined up.

Oh, and I'll get a pretty, shiny picture of the bumper once I put it on. Otherwise I'm keeping it safely wrapped up in it' box. What else, oh yeah, I decided to put the core support and radiator on hand tight, so here's a pic of those slick parts.

WHile I was at it I thought that this would be the best time to put all of the new body mounts on since the fenders were off. So out with the old.

Man, those things look a wee bit rough. I'm pretty sure no one has fiddled with these body mounts since '67. Oh well, in with the new.

Yeah, there we go, those look much better.

There's the rear subframe, front/firewall subframe and core support mounts (all passenger side) in. The driver's looks the same more or less.

This last picture is a mock up of the grill after being media blasted and painted satin black. While the areas left unpainted are no longer polished after being blasted, I'm really digging the brushed look that came from blasting the pieces. I also decided to only mask off the outer edge of the grill instead of doing the inner edge like it was stock. It cleans the look of the grill up a bit, simplifies it if you will (not that it was that complicated to begin with).

The blast cabinet has been a real time and part saver so far. All of the parts I've done in it come out looking brand new or nearly so, only needing paint. I would highly suggest that if you have your own home shop and have the room for one it is an investment that is well worth it.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have a PSP (& charger) to go find.

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