Oh look, a brown box
Yum, peanuts.
Oh, wait, another, more colorful box.
Now to get that tissue paper out of the way.
There we go, much clearer.
And the back, with a lot of Japanese I can't read.
Yay for pictures with instructions!
Alright, now we've got her out of the box. But still trapped by plastic.
And here is everything that comes with Lum, including Lum herself.
The entire packaging and contents. I have to give it to Max Factory on these Figma figures. The packaging is pretty nice and character specific. The block to hold all the extra hands is exactly that, handy. Also, I really appreciate the resealable bag. Something I think the Revoltech line could benefit from.
Up next is the good stuff, Lum in action.
Oh hell! Duck!
Damn, that was close. Must have been standing in front of Ataru.
Lum seems to be deep in thought. Has she come up with a new idea to get Ataru to herself?
Ah, classic lucky go Lum floating on air.
The inclusion of Ten is pretty damn cool. Now I hope they make an Ataru Figma. The lighting bolt that comes with Lum would be even cooler if I could zap Ataru with it. OK, so of course I really like this figure, it's Lum! And I don't know what it is, but the recent boom in Lum figures is much appreciate by me. I don't know if I'll be inclined to buy any more Figmas, haven't looked through the available catalog yet either though, but for now I'm pretty satisfied with this being my first and only Figma.
Ataru needs to have different faces, so he also could look like he is lecherous, or being shocked.