So, this will be the last week for a few weeks. I'm going to MegaCon in Orlando, FL this weekend and I'll be in Orlando for a couple of weeks as a vacation as well. Even though I've never lived in Orlando it's kind of like a second home to me since I've been there so may times over the years. I know those roads like a local even. While I'm there for MegaCon I might try to do a post during or at least after the con. I'll have to see, chances are I'll have some spotty internet while there. The place I'm staying doesn't have any internet access (or cable). Last time I was there I was able to use the neighbor's wifi. I'm hoping I'll be able to use it again. Like I said, I'll have to see.
So, I'm pretty excited about MegaCon and I have some packing to do (clothes and gear), so lets get the show on the road. Here's this week's comics.
Punisher Max #6
Amazing Spider-Man #624
Web of Spider-Man #6
Cable #24
Prelude to Deadpool Corps #2 of 5
Wolverine Mr. X One-Shot
Dark X-Men #5 of 5
Kick-Ass Hardcover TPB
The Boys TPB volume 6
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