Halo: Blood Line #2 of 5
Siege Embedded #2 of 4
Siege #2 of 4
Invincible Iron Man #23
Deadpool Team-Up #896
Cable #23
Wolverine Weapon X #10
Wolverine Savage One-Shot
Planet Hulk BD
I thought about putting Fables into the folder for next week, and quickly changed my mind once my need to get my Fables fix kicked in. So far I'm sticking to not buying the singles, because if I do, the collector in me will kick in hard. Next thing you know I would be hunting down all the back issues, I do not need that right now. The thought does intrigue me as I sit here thinking about it, better stop. As for Planet Hulk, been waiting to see it since I saw the commercial for it. If it's even half as good as the comic it's A-OK in my book. I read that it's actually more than just "Hulk Smash", which is a good thing, but I would've been happy if that's all it was.
Alrighty, saved the best for last this Wednesday. Took more than these actually, thought about taking more, but damn, if you REALLY want to see the rest than you can get your hands on your own copy. If you do plan on getting a copy of the Deluxe hardcover, you better act fast, like I've said before, it's hitting collector prices already and I have no doubt just about every single one of these will be spoken for in a couple of months. On to the purdy pictures, don't drool too much.
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